March 2023
Spring is finally upon us, bringing with it a fresh sense of inspiration and renewal! We've got an exciting mix of videos and articles that are sure to spark your creativity and curiosity.
Things to Watch
The Mysteries of MEMS
It’s amazing what we are carrying around in our pockets nowadays. Explore the Micro-electromechanical systems that are used inside your phone.
VGA From Scratch - High Resolution!
James is upgrading his VGA circuit - he’s going from a low resolution, blocky 80x60 virtual pixel output to something a bit more exciting - 640x480 pixels!
Cursed Composites
Are you ready to experience the olfactory onslaught of algae, the burning rubber stench of pneumatique, and the festive aroma of Laywoo-D3? Prepare your noses and take a deep dive into this 3D printing Rabbit Hole!
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
After trying to power his Christmas lights with solar power atomic14 is back again with another solar project - can he power his weather display forever using energy scavenging?
A Sticky Situation
A shop selling stickers - but every single one is unique - it’s a very cool generative art project and a great insight into small-scale production and manufacturing.
Well, This Really Sucks
But in a good way! If you ever do any resin casting you’ll know the curse of bubbles and the need for degassing.
Things to Read
"Globus" analog navigational computer
How did Soviet cosmonauts navigate in space? With a fancy "Globus" analogue navigational computer!
1-Milliwatt Chip Plays Doom
The age-old question “but does it run Doom?” gets slightly rewritten to “can it play Doom?” - and the answer is yes!
Human augmentation with robotic body parts is at hand
Are you tired of only having two arms? Well, researchers at Cambridge University may have a solution - robotic body parts.
Using a Pi to add an external monitor
What do you do when you buy a new laptop and realize it's missing a crucial feature? You roll your own solution, of course!
Clem’s CNC Control Project
Clem has been collecting parts for a CNC machine - follow along as he blogs his progress.
Closing thoughts…
That’s another edition done and dusted! As always, thanks for taking the time to read the newsletter - if you have any feedback or thoughts then don’t hesitate to leave a comment. And, please share this edition with your friends and anyone who would be interested.
Thank you for putting this together, Chris! So easy to miss interesting stuff!